The Undersea & Hyperbaric  Medical Society and FDA have approved many indications for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy including:

  • Arterial insufficiencies - this includes people that have diabetic foot ulcerations and central retinal artery occlusion or "stroke of the eye". Diabetic foot ulcers occur in 1 out of every 5 diabetics with type 2 diabetes. If diabetic foot ulcers are not properly cared for or treated in a timely manner then it may lead to amputation of the foot or lower limb depending on the severity.
  • Delayed radiation injury - this includes people that had radiation therapy with some cancers. Radiation damages nerves and blood supply to the nerves and tissues , which can eventually cause neuropathy, wounds to form in soft tissues and bones.
  • Osteomyelitis - this is a chronic bone infection that has not responded to standard treatments. This condition most commonly occurs in the lower legs and is associated with severe trauma, usually broken bones. It may also come from a puncture wound or from a staphylococcus infection.
  • Thermal burn injury - this comes from burns, fire and heat.
  • Compromised grafts and flaps - this includes skin grafts, flaps and cosmetic surgeries which sometimes have trouble healing due to the lack of blood supply.
  • Severe anemia - this may be from any acute and severe blood loss resulting from a severe wound or trauma.
  • Crush injury - this is the result of acute loss of blood flow from a piece of heavy equipment, is the most common cause.
  • Necrotizing soft tissue infections - this is the result of a severe bacterial infection that progresses rapidly. This condition is also known as "flesh-eating bacteria".
  • Gas gangrene - this is also the result of a severe infection that affects muscles instead of soft tissues. This condition is known as "clostridial myositis or myonecrosis".
  • Air or gas embolism - this is the result of an invasive medical procedure that caused a puncture of a lung or an artery causing an air bubble to be introduced into a normally closed system. It can also be caused by an air bubble in the arteries from diving.
  • Decompression sickness - this was one of the very first treatment uses in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This condition happens when a diver ascends to the surface to quickly after a deep dive which does not allow the oxygen in the body to expand safely.
  • Intracranial abscess - this can result from patients that have abnormal immune systems.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning - this can result from cyanide poisoning, methylene chloride or commonly from smoke inhalation. This causes the red blood cells in the body to transport carbon monoxide to tissues which blocks oxygen causing tissue hypoxia.

The Undersea & Hyperbaric  Medical Society has additionally approved the following indication for hyperbaric oxygen therapy:

  •  Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearling loss (ISSHL) - hearing loss of at least 30 dB occurring within three days over at least three contiguous  frequencies.  The most common clinical presentation involves an individual experiencing a sudden unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus, aural fullness, and vertigo.